To register all 5 Emtel Friends and Family Numbers
Send reg <space> number1 <space> number2 <space> number3 <space> number4 <space> number5 by SMS to 8500
Example: reg 5499xxxx 5721xxxx 5738xxxx 5723xxxx 5497xxxx by SMS to 8500
To change 1 Emtel Friends and Family Number
Send change <space> new number <space> old number<space> old number <space> old number <space> old number by SMS to 8500
Example: change 5498xxxx 5721xxxx 5738xxxx 5723xxxx 5497xxxx by SMS to 8500
To change 2 Emtel Friends and Family Numbers
Send change <space> new number <space> new number<space> old number <space> old number <space> old number by SMS to 8500
Example: change 5720xxxx 5722xxxx 5738xxxx 5723xxxx 5497xxxx to 8500
To check registered Emtel Friends and Family Numbers
Send status to 8500